
Bisnis Uang Down Load

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Cukup dengan Rp. 100.000,- Anda bisa hasilkan Rp. 7,5 Milyar ! Join (Gratis) langsung dapat Rp. 10.000,- ! Image Sahabat netter yang budiman, Uang selalu dibicarakan setiap hari. Uang, selalu dicari. Tetapi, berapa banyak orang yang beruntung bisa mendapatkan uang banyak dengan mudah dan halal ? Perhatikan orang-orang yang mencari uang dari pagi sampai sore … terhimpit beban pekerjaan, penuh keringat, terjebak kemacetan, ditekan atasan dlsb ... Namun bagaimana hasilnya ? Tidak seberapa ! ... Bahkan masih jauh dari menyenangkan …! Sebagian lagi mungkin sedang bingung mencari tambahan uang untuk membayar hutang, biaya pengobatan, biaya pendidikan, kredit kebutuhan rumah tangga, modal menikah, modal bisnis, modal pensiun dan keperluan lainnya ... Anda salah satunya? Jika jawaban Anda adalah "Ya", teruskan membaca …! 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(Daftar akan terus bertambah seiring dengan berjalannya waktu ...) contreng Koleksi Film, Bioskop dan Video Clip, baik Lokal maupun Barat contreng Koleksi Games (PC, PS2, PS3, Nintendo, DS, X-Box dll.) contreng Koleksi MP3 Musik, Wayang, MLM, Ceramah Agama, Motivasi dll contreng Koleksi eBook, Tutorial, Buku-Buku Pelajaran dan eBook-eBook dari Situs Berbayar ! contreng Koleksi Operating System (Linux, Mac, Windows, DOS) contreng Koleksi Aplikasi dan Games untuk PDA / Mobile / HandPhone / iPod contreng Koleksi Script, termasuk PHP, JavaScript, Java, CGI, CMS, Ajax dll. contreng Koleksi Software & Drivers, termasuk Anti Virus/Spyware contreng Koleksi Tutorial, baik berupa Video mupun Audio contreng Koleksi File Bonus Khusus Untuk VIP Members DAPAT 7,5 M ? CARANYA ? SANGAT MUDAH ! Hanya 3 Langkah : LANGKAH 1 : join now Join di UangDownload. Biaya Joinnya Gratis brur, bahkan Anda langsung dapat Uang Download sebesar Rp. 10.000,- !. Setelah join, lakukan aktifasi (juga Gratis dan bisa dilakukan sendiri) dan setelah web aktif, Anda sudah menjadi member resmi UangDownload dan dapat langsung mengakses semua link download berlabel FREE Link. LANGKAH 2 : uang 100 ribu Upgrade keanggotaan Anda dari FREE member menjadi VIP Member. Hanya langkah kedua ini saja yang memerlukan modal. Tapi jangan khawatir, modalnya hanya Rp. 100.000,- sekali saja seumur hidup! Setelah itu web replikasi Anda akan menjadi mesin uang online dan semua link dibuka sehingga otomatis Anda bisa men-download apapun tanpa batas. LANGKAH 3 : promosi Ajak teman-teman Anda, saudara atau siapa saja untuk join di UangDownload dan melakukan Upgrade ke VIP Member seperti yang Anda lakukan. Langkah ketiga inilah yang nantinya menghasilan uang sangat banyak bagi Anda ! Lihat Cara Kerjanya Disini ? Catatan: Setelah join, Anda akan memiliki web replikasi dengan alamat http://UangDownload.Com/nomor_id_anda. 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Demikian seterusnya seperti tampak pada tabel berikut : Royalti Level 1 20.000 x 4 = Rp. 80.000,- Royalti Level 2 4.000 x 16 = Rp. 64.000,- Royalti Level 3 4.000 x 64 = Rp. 256.000,- Royalti Level 4 4.000 x 256 = Rp. 1.024.000,- Royalti Level 5 4.000 x 1024 = Rp. 4.096.000,- Royalti Level 6 4.000 x 4096 = Rp. 16.384.000,- Royalti Level 7 4.500 x 16384 = Rp. 73.728.000,- Royalti Level 8 5.000 x 65536 = Rp. 327.780.000,- Royalti Level 9 5.000 x 262144 = Rp. 1.310.720.000,- Royalti Level 10 5.500 x 1048576 = Rp. 5.767.168.000,- JUMLAH ROYALTI Rp. 7.501.200.000,- Sebagai Perpustakaan Link, website UangDownload! akan terus kami promosikan dan secara otomatis akan selalu terindeks di Google sehingga setiap hari trafiknya akan selalu bertambah. Ini adalah peluang besar untuk mendapatkan SPILL OVER & RANDOMIZE bagi Anda yang cepat mengambil keputusan join diUangDownload! Sekali lagi, semuanya itu dapat Anda peroleh hanya dengan 1x Investasi sebesar Rp. 100.000,- saja !! 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Rahasia Menjemput Rizki

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, http://darkuti.blogspot.com/ http://www.arminaglobal.com/?reg=darkutitokoonline http://SyariahMarketing.com/?id=karyawan http://muhammaddarkuti.blogspot.com/ Rezeki melulu bukan perkara materi atau finansial semata. Rezeki dalam Islam memiliki dimensi luas. Rezeki juga dapat berarti diberikan nikmat sehat, keberkahan umur, mudah jodoh, mudah dalam segala urusan, terhindar dari bahaya, dan masih banyak lagi. Bahkan, utang yang kita peroleh pun merupakan bagian dari rezeki yang telah Allah atur. Allah telah menebar rezeki-Nya di jagat raya ini. Sebagai hambaNya, kita diwajibkan untuk berusaha menjemput rezeki dan membuka pintu-pintunya. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan kunci-kunci untuk dapat membuka pintu-pintu tersebut. Kunci-kunci rezeki ini diurai sebagai 15 Cara Nyata untuk Memperoleh Rezeki Berlimpah sesuai tuntunan Al-Qur'an dan hadits. - Menjadikan bekerja sebagai ibadah - Melapangkan rezeki dengan tobat dan istighfar - Memakmurkan hidup dengan surah Al-Waqi'ah - Melepaskan kesusahan orang lain - Bertawakal seperti burung - Shalat Hajat untuk mewujudkan keinginan - Berbakti kepada kedua orang tua agar Allah ridha - Berdoa dengan hati yang tulus dan bersih - Meraih keberkahan dengan menyantuni anak yatim - Bertakwa agar selau diberikan kemudahan oleh Allah - Memperbanyak zikir agar selalu ditolong Allah - Bersilaturrahmi agar rezeki selalu lancar - Membuka pintu kekayaan dengan kedermawanan - Membuka pintu rezeki dengan shalat Dhuha - Menjemput kesuksesan dengan ilmu pengetahuan. Wassalam, Wawan Muhammad Karyawan.-



Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, WUJUDKAN NIAT ANDA KE TANAH SUCI BERSAMA PT.ARMINAREKA PERDANA Beribadah ke tanah suci adalah dambaan setiap umat muslim. PT Arminareka Perdana memberikan solusi dan kabar gembira bagi siapa saja yng ingin mewujudkannya.Adapun keunggulan program kami dibandingkan dengan Travel lain. Adalah sebagai berikut : BIRO PERJALANAN LAIN BIRO PERJALANAN PT.ARMINA UTAMA SUKSES 1. Paket Umroh USD 1750 2. DP Minimal + 85 % 3. Terima kasih semoga Bapak / Ibu mendapat kesempatan lagi. 4. Komisi + Rp 250.000,- s/d Rp 500.000 setelah pelunasan selesai 5. Tidak ada 6. Kemungkinan peluangnya kecil 7. Hanya asuransi biro perjalanan pulang pergi. 1.Paket Umrah USD 1750 2.DP hanya Rp 3.500.000,- 3.Sekeluarga 4 orang hasil usaha yg di dapat : Umrah Rp 4.950.000 ,- Haji Plus Rp 7.150.000,- 4.Referensi calon Jama’ah Umrah Rp1.500.000,- Referensi calon Jama’ah Haji + Rp 2.500.000,- 5.Mendapatkan hak usaha yang bias diwariskan 6.Berkesempatan berangkat ke tanah suci Free atau Gratis 7.Mendapatkan Asuransi MEGALIFE Syariah. Berdiri sejak tanggal 9 Februari 1990 dan telah memberangkatkan + 27.500 Jama’ah dari seluruh Indonesia dan memiliki cabang & kantor perwakilan di lebih dari 150 Kota 33 Provinsi di Indonesia, Malaysia,Hongkong , dan Dubai. PT ARMINAREKA PERDANA telah bekerjasama dengan beberapa Bank besar di Indonesia..Bank Pendukung adalah : 1. Bank BCA No Rek. 751-0172-820 2. Bank BNI No Rek 0147752748 3. Bank BRI No Rek 0528-01-000088-30-3 4. Bank Syarian Mandiri No Rek 0690038383 5. Bank Mandiri( US $ ) No Rek 156.000.1408576 6. Bank Mandiri ( Rp ) No Rek 156.000.1408550 PT ARMINA UTAMA SUKSES Sebagai Divisi Marketing telah membuat program “ Mewujudkan Niat Anda Pergi Ke Tanah Suci “ dengan tujuan yang sesuai dengan VISI & MISI kami ,yaitu : 1. Mengajak masyarakat untuk melaksanakan Ibadah Umrah / Haji Plus 2. Meningkatkan taraf Hidup keluarga & Masyarakat 3. Memberikan Solusi Program cepat memunaikan Ibadah UMROH & HAJI PLUS,caranya sangat mudah : 1. Niat dan yakin keinginan untuk Ibadah Umrah dan Haji 2. Mengisi formulis dan F.C.KTP + Pas Photo Berwarna 4x6 3. Melakukan pembayaran tanda jadi (DP) Ø Umrah : Rp 3.500.000 Ø Haj Plus : Rp 5.000.000 Calon Jama’ah PT ARMINAREKA PERDANA akan mendapatkan : 5. Hak Usaha Jama’ah dengan Sistem Bagi Hasil Sebagai Berikut : *Hasil refrensi tersebut dapat di gunakan untuk membantu mencicil biaya Ibadah anda ke Tanah Suci atau sebagai Penghasilan tambahan * Contoh pembayaran dengan cara mencicil Catatan : * ArminaReka Perdana. ** Biaya Umroh/Haji Plus disesuaikan dengan kurs rupiah terhadap dolar (Bila nilai tukar Valas USD 1 = Rp. 10.000,-). *** Anda dapat melunasi biaya Umroh/Haji Plus dengan jangka waktu yang tak terbatas. **** Jumlah Komisi yang tertulis diatas, sebelum dipotong 10% untuk administrasi. Dengan Anda ikut program Umroh/Haji Plus bersamaARMINA, Anda punya peluang berangkat Umroh/Haji Plus Gratis, mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan, serta beramal Jariyah menolong orang lain untuk berangkat Umroh/Haji Plus seperti Anda… Informasi lebih lanjut hubungi, Wawan Muhammad Karyawan, Hp.085268240487 - 085668900369 - 087782244242 http://darkuti.blogspot.com/ http://SyariahMarketing.com/?id=karyawan.



Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamu\'alaikum wr wbr..., \"Aku, Muhammad Ali, Amir Gerakan Ahmadiyah Lahore, bersumpah Demi Allah bahwa keyakinan saya adalah bahwa Hadzrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad adalah seorang Mujaddid dan Al-Masih, dan bukan seorang Nabi, dan seseorang yang tidak mempercayainya tidak kafir dan tidak keluar dari Islam; hal ini juga merupakan keyakinan Hadzrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sendiri. \'Wahai Allah\', bila saya telah berdusta atas nama Mu, kirimkanlah kepadaku azab yang sangat berat biar dunia melihat betapa mengerikan dan menakutkannya Azab Ilahi kepada orang yang berdusta atas nama Mu\". Dikutip dari Iqra A Souvenir Megazine, hal 34, 1985.



BISMILLAHIRRAHMANIRRAHIM, Assalamu'alaikum wrwbr..., Ini beberapa pertanyaan yang sering diajukan oleh para jamaah/mitra : 1. Apakah program ini bisa diikuti oleh setiap orang ? * Ya, setiap orang dapat mengikuti program ini 2. Apakah pendaftarannya bisa diikuti juga dari seluruh propinsi di Indonesia ? * Ya, bisa. Bahkan dari luar negeri, seperti Dubai, Malaysia, Hongkong pun sudah banyak mendaftar. 3. Bagaimana legalitas perusahaan PT. Arminareka Perdana ? * PT. Arminareka telah berdiri sejak tahun 1990 dan sudah berpengalaman memberangkatkan haji dan umroh sekitar 30.000 jamaah. PT Arminareka telah memiliki badan usaha dan perizinan, baik dari dirjen pajak, pariwisata dan depag tentang penyelenggaraan umroh dan haji khusus. 4. Mengapa setiap pendaftaran harus memenuhi pembayaran Rp. 3.5 jt atau 5 Jt ? * Pembayaran Rp. 3.5 atau 5 jt adalah pilihan yang secara otomatis menjadi tabungan atau DP anda untuk umroh atau haji. Dengan pembayaran tersebut seseorang telah mendapat lisensi usaha dan tabungan ( DP ) umroh, jika memilih Rp. 3.5 jt dan tabungan ( DP) haji plus jika memilih Rp. 5 jt . Dengan kata lain uang anda tidak akan hilang, karena anda sudah punya tabungan awal untuk umroh atau haji plus selanjutnya bisa dilunasi dengan cicilan, cash atau melalui usaha keagenan yang anda miliki. Dana tersebut menjadi tabungan anda untuk melaksanakan Umroh atau Haji dan tidak ada biaya administrasi sedikitpun dari perusahaan kami. 5. Bagaimana peluang umroh atau haji gratis melalui program ini ? * Berdasarkan hasil analisa, hingga saat ini mereka yang dapat umroh atau haji secara gratis melalui program ini telah mencapai 70 %. Selebihnya adalah mereka yang benar- benar mampu secara financial. 6. Bagaimana prosedur pendaftaran anggota ( mitra / agen ) baru ? * Jika anda ingin mendaftar, silakan isi kotak pendaftran di menu info dan pendaftaran pada website ini. Selanjutnya silahkan tansfer pembayaran DP sesuai pilihan ( 3.5 jt atau 5 jt) ke salah satu no rekening PT. Arminareka Perdana. Bukti transfer difax dan konfirmasi melalui sms ke no telp/HP yang tersedia di halaman depan pada website ini. 7. Bagaimana agen/mitra di daerah jika ingin mendaftarkan anggotanya ? * Setiap agen akan diberikan formulir dan dapat mendaftarkan anggota jamaahnya melalui formulir tersebut. Selanjutnya lakukan transfer pembayaran. Formulir pendaftaran, bukti pembayaran difax ( lihat no. 6 ) 8. Apakah usaha ini bisa dijalankan atau diwariskan kepada anggota keluaga ? * Ya, bisa sekali. 9. Kapan komisi bisa diterima ? * Komisi akan ditransfer setiap hari kamis, kecuali hari libur nasional. Selanjutnya akan ditransfer pada hari berikutnya. Jika ingin langsung diambil cash pada setiap hari Jum'at 10. Apakah komisi bisa digunakan untuk kebutuhan lain ? * Komisi akan ditransfer ke rekening anda dan otomatis bisa digunakan sesuai kebutuhan anda, baik untuk pribadi atau pembayaran cicilan umroh dan haji 11. Apakah arminautamagroup.com juga melayani pembuatan website bagi mitra PT.Arminareka ? * Ya, Insya ALLAH kami dapat melayani pembuatan web pemasaran bagi seluruh jaringan mitra di Indonesia dengan biaya yang terjangkau bahkan gratis bagi yang mendaftar di sini untuk perwakilan/agen. 12. Bagaimana potensi website untuk memasarkan hak usaha ini ? * Ya, sangat efektf dan efisien. Karena jika mitra mempunyai website seperti ini, tidak perlu kirim brosur atau penjelasan yang lama by phone, tetapi cukup diarahkan agar mempelajari website saja. Selanjutnya bisa langsung daftar melalui formulir yang sudah tersedia di website. Wassalam, Wawan Muhammad. http://muhammaddarkuti.blogspot.com/2012/04/umroh-haji,html http://SyariahMarketing.com/?id=karyawan http://darkuti.blogspot.com/ Hp.: 085268240487 - 085668900369 - 087782244242.



BISMILLAHIRRAHMANIRRAHIM, Assalamu'alaikum wr wbr... Selamat Datang di Lembar Solusi PT. Arminareka Perdana SOLUSI MEWUJUDKAN IBADAH KE TANAH SUCI DENGAN SISTEM (AGA)* PT. ARMINAREKA PERDANA CUKUP UANG MUKA RP. 3,5 JT UNTUK UMROH/HAJI REGULER DAN RP. 5 JT UNTUK HAJI PLUS Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Berikut kami sampaikan perbandingan cara beribadah UMROH (No. Ijin D 358-2004)/HAJI PLUS (No. Ijin D 458-2006) dengan menggunakan SISTEM AGENCY GET AGENCY (AGA) dari PT. ARMINAREKA PERDANA yang sudah melayani jemaah sejak tahun 1990 dibandingkan dengan BIRO PERJALANAN LAIN, sebagai berikut : BIRO PERJALANAN LAIN: 1. Bayar harus tunai. 2. Silaturahmi terbatas, kepada anggota rombongan saja. 3. Bila mempromosikan Umroh/Haji/Haji Plus melalui biro lain, Anda tidak mendapat imbalan atau bila mendapatkan dalam jumlah yang kecil dengan catatan setelah dilakukan pelunasan terlebih dahulu. 4. Hanya ibadah untuk diri sendiri saja dan tidak bisa menolong orang lain untuk ibadah Umroh/Haji Plus seperti Anda. BIRO PERJALANAN ARMINAREKA PERDANA: 1. Cukup membayar tanda jadi (DP) Rp. 3,5 juta untuk umroh dan Rp. 5 juta untuk Haji/Haji Plus, selanjutnya bisa dicicil. 2. Silaturahmi bisa berkembang dan berlanjut. 3. Bila mempromosikan Umroh/Haji Plus melalui Sistem ARMINAREKA PERDANA, Anda berpeluang mendapatkan Umroh/Haji Plus Gratis, karena akan mendapatkan komisi yang besar, dan Anda bisa mendapatkannya sampai hari tua dan bahkan dapat diwariskan, hanya setelah yang bersangkutan membayar tanda jadi (DP) saja. 4. Selain beribadah, Anda juga bisa menolong orang lain untuk ibadah Umroh/Haji Plus sama seperti Anda. DENGAN SISTEM ARMINAREKA PERDANA Cukup tanda jadi Rp. 3,5 juta (umroh/haji reguler) dan Rp. 5 juta (haji plus), anda akan mendapat : * Voucher senilai USD 350 (umroh/haji reguler) dan USD 500 (haji plus). * Perlindungan asuransi kecelakaan diri (PA) senilai Rp. 50 juta dan kematian Rp. 5 juta dari Asuransi Bumiputera Syariah, selama satu tahun (dan bisa diperpanjang). * Souvenir dari ARMINAREKA PERDANA (mukena atau baju koko). * Kartu Calon Jamaah. * HAK USAHA, bila dijalankan bisa sebagai salah satu SOLUSI. Penggunaan Voucher: Misalnya biaya UMROH adalah sebesar USD 1.650**, dengan voucher yang sudah ada sebesar USD 350 berarti sisa yang harus dilunasi adalah USD 1.300. Bisa dilakukan dengan tunai atau menabung seperti berikut: Apabila USD 1.300 tersebut dibagi dalam 26 bulan, dan per bulannya anda disiplin menyisihkan uang sebesar Rp. 500 ribu, untuk ditabung di rekening pribadi anda, akan terkumpul uang sebesar Rp. 13.000.000,- Tabungan anda cukup untuk berangkat UMROH. ANDA BISA MEMPERCEPAT BERANGKAT UMROH/HAJI/HAJI PLUS dengan cara mempromosikan dan mengajak saudara, teman, kenalan dan relasi anda untuk UMROH/HAJI PLUS bersama ARMINAREKA PERDANA, nilai tambah yang akan Anda dapatkan adalah : Bila anda berhasil mereferensikan 1 orang untuk berangkat Haji Plus, maka akan mendapat komisi Rp. 2,500,000.-. Sementara untuk umroh/haji reguler, maka komisi yang akan anda dapatkan adalah Rp. 1,500,000.-. Dan bila ternyata saudara, teman, kenalan dan relasi Anda yang berangkat umroh/haji/haji plus bersama ARMINAREKA PERDANA tersebut ikut pula mangajak saudara, teman, kenalan dan relasinya, Anda akan mendapatkan komisi tambahan dari ARMINAREKA PERDANA, yang besarnya bisa mencapai puluhan juta rupiah. Perhatikan tabel berikut: (Cat: Setelah Pendaftar Hanya Membayar Tanda Jadi). Jumlah Referensi Program Umroh (Rp.) Program Haji (Rp.) 1 orang 1.500.000.- 2.500.000.- 2 orang 3.500.000.- 5.500.000.- 3 orang 5.500.000.- 8.500.000.- 4 orang 7.500.000.- 11.000.000.- 5 orang 10.000.000.- 14.500.000.- 6 orang 12.000.000.- 18.000.000.- 7 orang 14.500.000.- 20.500.000.- 8 orang 17.000.000.- 24.000.000.- 9 orang 18.500.000.- 28.000.000.- 10 orang 21.000.000.- 30.500.000.- Dst ... Dst*** ... Dst*** ... Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wbr. Catatan: Diatas adalah gambaran apabila anda mereferensikan untuk program tunggal, pada pelaksanaannya anda bisa melakukan kombinasi antara program umroh dan program haji plus. * Agency Get Agency ** Biaya Umroh/Haji Plus disesuaikan dengan kurs rupiah terhadap dolar *** Jumlah Komisi yang tertulis diatas, sebelum dipotong 10% untuk Administrasi Dengan ikut program ibadah Umroh/Haji/Haji Plus bersama ARMINAREKA PERDANA, Anda punya peluang berangkat Umroh/Haji/Haji Plus Gratis, mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan, serta beramal jariah menolong orang lain untuk berangkat Umroh/Haji/Haji Plus seperti Anda .... PROGRAM TAMBAHAN : · Kami mempunyai program membantu dan membina anak yatim untuk bisa mandiri, melalui pelatihan dan perekrutan tenaga kerja ARMINAREKA PERDANA GROUP. · Anda pun bisa melakukan Ibadah umroh/haji plus bersama keluarga sekaligus beramal kepada anak yatim dan atau lembaga dakwah yang ingin Anda bantu tanpa menambah anggaran Anda melalui program AGA tersebut. Informasi lebih lanjut hubungi Agen kami : N a m a : Wawan Muh Karyawan No. ID : 2525201 Phone : 085268240487 - 085668900369 Blog : http://muhammaddarkuti.blogspot.com/ Email : darkutitokoonline@gmail.com


Penyelenggara Umroh/Haji Plus N0.1 di Indonesia

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamu'alaikum wrwbr..., Bersama kami: PT. ARMINAREKA PERDANA Memberikan Solusi Ibadah+Usaha dengan penghasilan mencapai PULUHAN JUTA RUPIAH /bulan sekaligus Ibadah Umroh / Haji Plus SECARA GRATIS.... Program ini Bersertifikasi HALAL dari Majelis Ulama Indonesia Dengan pengalamannya 21 tahun dalam penyelenggaraan haji dan umroh yang telah memberangkatkan jamaah haji dan umroh sekitar lebih dari 35.000 orang, kini PT. Arminareka Perdana memberi kesempatan seluas-luasnya dan peluang menarik kepada anda kaum muslimin untuk menjadi MITRA PERWAKILAN PENYELENGGARA UMROH / HAJI SE - INDONESIA. Visi dan Misi yang ditawarkan PT. Arminareka Perdana yaitu : 1. Mendorong umat untuk dapat melaksanakan umroh dan haji 2. Meningkatkan taraf hidup jamaah 3. Memberikan solusi kepada jamaah dalam hal ibadah umroh/haji dan finansial Peluang ini cocok dan bisa diikuti oleh : 1. DKM, Jamaah masjid, musholla dan majelis ta'lim 2. Para pimpinan dan pengurus pesantren, yayasan, perusahaan dan ormas Islam 3. Para habaib, kyai, asatidz, guru, pegawai swasta dan negeri 4. Para pensiunan swasta dan negeri 5. Para aktifis muslim, marketing dan konsultan muslim Dan yang lebih utama lagi bagi anda yang ingin dapat mewujudkan impiannya ke tanah suci, tetapi belum mempunyai kecukupan biaya dan juga tentu saja bagi yang ingin meningkatkan kesejahteraaan diri dan keluarganya dengan penghasilan dapat mencapai puluhan juta rupiah setiap bulannya. Fasilitas yang didapat oleh Mitra Perwakilan : 1. Terdaftar sebagai calon jamaah umroh atau haji ( sesuai pilihan DP ) 2. Asuransi Megalife Syariah : usia 6 - 17 th meninggal biasa Rp 3 juta dan kecelakaan Rp 30 juta usia 18 - 60 th meninggal biasa Rp 5 juta dan kecelakaan Rp 50 juta usia 61 - 65 th meninggal biasa Rp 2 juta dan kecelakaan Rp.20 juta Dapat diperpanjang Rp. 100.000 /tahun 3. Voucher keberangkatan umroh USD 350 dan haji plus USD 500 Voucher bisa digunakan orang lain dan hak usaha tidak hilang 4. ID Card (kartu keanggotaan seumur hidup) dan password untuk akses perkembangan usaha di website perusahaan 5. Souvenir menarik berupa mukena atau baju koko ( boleh pilih ) 6. Mengikuti pra manasik dwi mingguan, training dan kegiatan lainnya. 7. Mendapatkan Spanduk, Brosur, Marketing Plan, Mesin Fax Lisensi Hak Usaha bagi Mitra : Selain fasilitas tersebut di atas, mitra juga mempunyai lisensi hak usaha. Dengan hak usaha ini, mitra dapat menjalankan dan mengembangkan usahanya sehingga ia dapat mecapai penghasilan yang besar serta dapat mewujudkan impiannya ke tanah suci dan meningkatkan kesejahteraannya. Berikut hak yang didapat : 1. mendapatkan copy legalitas perusahaan, komisi, bonus dan reward dari perusahaan 2. membuka kantor pribadi, baik di rumah atau pun di luar rumah. 3. melakukan presentasi 4. menerima pendaftaran umroh dan haji plus 5. merekrut mitra - mitra baru ( keuntungannya sama ketika mendaftarkan umroh atau haji) 6. melakukan promosi, seperti iklan, brosur, spanduk dll Komisi yang didapat dari Hak Usaha : Sebelumnya perlu diketahui bahwa salah satu manfaat Hak Usaha adalah jika ada yang mendaftar umroh atau haji plus kepada mitra, pembiayaan bisa dicicil setelah DP (tanda jadi), yaitu Rp 3.5 juta untuk DP Umroh dan Rp 5 juta untuk DP Haji Plus. Hanya dengan DP saja (jamaah yang telah mendaftar), maka Jamaah/Mitra sudah mendapatkan komisi sbb : 1. Jika anda berhasil mendaftarkan 1 orang jamaah umroh atau mitra, maka anda mendapat komisi Rp. 1.500.000 ( komisi langsung ) 2. Jika anda behasil mendaftarkan 1 orang jamaah haji plus atau mitra , maka anda mendapat komisi Rp. 2.500.000 ( komisi langsung ) 3. Jika anda mendaftarkan 2 orang calon jamaah ( baik umroh atau haji), maka anda mendapat komisi bonus Rp. 500.000 4. Jika anda mendaftarkan lebih dari 3 orang ( baik umroh atau haji plus), maka anda mendapat komisi tambahan Rp. 1000.000 Segera Daftarkan diri Anda dan Raih Kesuksesan bersama kami di PT.Arminareka ( Pendaftaran perwakilan bisa secara perorangan atau Yayasan, CV, Perusahaan, Masjid, Majelis Ta’lim, Ormas dll) INGIN BERGABUNG? Silahkan hubungi: Wawan Muhammad Karyawan.- Hp.: 085268240487 - 085668900369 - 087782244242 http://SyariahMarketing.com/?id=karyawan http://darkuti.blogspot.com/ Caranya sangat mudah : 1. Mengisi formulir kemitraan umroh / haji (silakan isi pada menu kontak kami). 2. Bersedia memberikan layanan informasi dan pendaftaran umroh dan haji dengan baik disetiap wilayah se-Indonesia. 3. Menyetorkan DP Umroh Rp 3.5 juta atau DP Haji plus Rp 5 juta (silakan pilih salah satu sesuai keinginan). Sebelumnya perlu diketahui bahwa formulir pendaftaran kemitraan pada menu Formulir Pendaftaran kami di website ini merupakan formulir yang akan langsung tersalin ke dalam formulir resmi perusahaan. Oleh karena itu isi data anda dengan lengkap dan benar, seperti : Nama, Tgl Lahir, No KTP, Alamat, Ahli Waris, No Rek Bank. Anda juga dapat mengajukan pertanyaan melalui menu kontak kami jika diperlukan. Ilustrasi Komisi dan Bonus Hanya dengan DP saja (jamaah yang telah mendaftar), maka Jamaah/Mitra sudah mendapatkan Komisi sbb : 1. Jika anda berhasil mendaftarkan 1 orang jamaah umroh atau mitra, maka anda mendapat komisi Rp. 1.500.000 ( komisi langsung ) 2. Jika anda behasil mendaftarkan 1 orang jamaah haji plus atau mitra , maka anda mendapat komisi Rp. 2.500.000 ( komisi langsung ) 3. Jika anda mendaftarkan 2 orang calon jamaah ( baik umroh atau haji), maka anda mendapat komisi bonus Rp. 500.000 4. Jika anda mendaftarkan lebih dari 3 orang ( baik umroh atau haji plus), maka anda mendapat komisi tambahan Rp. 1000.000 Kisah Jamaah Armina Ust Untung Sudah 3 bulan bergabung kini penghasilannya mencapai ratusan juta Ust Supriyadi 42th 2 bulan bergabung Income sudah 120jt Hj Setyowaty 37th 3 bulan bergabung Income lebih dari 100jt Hj Darila 55th 5 bulan bergabung Income perbulan rata-rata 80jt



Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, http://SyariahMarketing.com/?id=karyawan http://muhammaddarkuti.blogspot.com/2012/04/umroh-haji,html Assalamu'alaikum wrwbr... Cinta ALLAH SWT kepada hamba-Nya tdk tergantung pada keadaan miskin atau kaya. Banyak orang miskin yg dicintai ALLAH, demikian juga banyak orang kaya yg menjadi kekasih-Nya. Diantara 25 nabi dn rasul pun ada yg kaya dn ada yg miskin, begitu pula para sahabat Nabi SAW ada yg miskin tapi tidak sedikit juga yang kaya. Islam sangat memperhatikan pentingnya kekayaan walaupun tidak sampe menempatkan kekayaan sebagai penentu utama bagi keberhasilan dakwah Islam. Memang banyak peringatan ALLAH dlm al-Qur'an yg menyebutkan bhw kekayaan sering menggelincirkan manusia hingga mengundang adzab dari ALLAH seperti Qorun dll. Namun demikian Islam sesungguhnya tdk memposisikan kekayaan sebagai musuh. Islam menganjurkan agar kekayaan itu lebih baik jika didapatkan dari hasil bekerja milik sendiri,bukan dari hasil me-minta2 belas kasihan orang lain. Rasulullah SAW bersabda:'Tangan diatas lebih mulia dibndingkan dengan tangan yg dibawah,artinya memberi itu lebih baik daripada menerima' (HR.Bukhori). Kaya itu fitrah,kekayaan justru memberikan peluang lebih besar untuk dicintai ALLAH. Timbul pertanyaan, kekayaan seperti apa yg harus kita bangun/wujudkan? Jawabannya: 1. Kaya secara fisik, orang yg fisiknya normal tidak cacat,badannya sehat tidak sakit2an,enerjik tidak malas2an, maka orang tsb dpt dikatakan kaya secara fisik. Kesehatan merupakan kekayaan yg tidak ternilai, apalah gunanya uang yg melimpah jika sakit2an, apalah artinya rumah besar dan mewah jika harus terbaring lemah di Rumah Sakit. 2. Kaya secara finansial. Seseorang dpt disebut kaya scara finansial jika total aset yg dimilikinya berupa rumah, kendaraan, tabungan dll, melebihi total hutangnya, pendapatannya terus meningkat, rasio kekayaannya lebih dari satu. Jika salah satu unsur penting tsb tidak terpenuhi, maka orang tsb masih labil, mmpunyai potensi utk kaya skaligus mmpunyai resiko jatuh miskin. 3. Kaya secara mental. Ini berkaitan dg siapa menguasai siapa. Jika bertambahnya uang menjadikan kita sombong, maka kita dikuasai oleh uang. Orang bisa disebut kaya secara mental, jika bertambahnya uang menjadikannya sebagai orang yg rendah hati,rajin,disiplin,sabar dan peduli. 4.Kaya secara sosial. Bersyukurlah jika kita ditakdirkan kaya secara fisik, finansial dan mental. Itu berarti kita telah kaya secara individual. Kita baru disebut kaya secara sosial, jika kekayaan itu kita fungsikan utk mmbantu dan mnyenangkan orang lain dengan jalan infak, sedekah dn zakat. 5. Kaya secara spiritual, yaitu orang yang mampu mnghubungkan kekayaan dengan nilai spiritual yang kita yakini. Jika aktifitas finansial kita mndatangkan pahala,maka brarti kita telah kaya secara spiritual, sebaliknya jika aktifitas kita mendatangkan dosa, maka kita miskin secara spiritual walaupun secara finansial kekayaan kita melimpah. Aktifitas finansial mendapatkannya harus bersumber dari yg halal,tidak korupsi dan menipu, begitu juga cara penggunaannya bukan mengandung maksiat dan dosa. Wassalam,


Syariah Marketing

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Assalamu'alaikum... Mungkin orang akan bertanya, jika sekiranya Dajjal dan Ya’juj wa Ma’juj adalah dua sebutan yang berlainan untuk menamakan satu bangsa, mengapa Qur’an Suci hanya menyebutkan nama Ya’juj wa Ma’juj saja, dan tak sekali-kali menyebutkan nama Dajjal? Sebabnya ialah bahwa kata Dajjal, sebagaimana kami terangkan diatas,artinya “pembohong atau penipu”, dan tak seorangpun suka disebut pembohong atau penipu, walaupun ia benar-benar seorang pembohong atau penipu yang ulung. Sebaliknya, oleh karena Ya’juj wa Ma’juj itu nama suatu bangsa, maka tak seorangpun akan merasa keberatan memakai nama itu. Bahkan sebenarnya,bangsa Inggris sendiri telah memasang patung Ya’juj wa Ma’juj didepan Guidhall di London. Inilah sebabnya mengapa Qur’an hanya menggunakan nama Ya’juj wa Ma’juj, dan tak menggunakan nama Dajjal yang artinya pembohong. Sebaliknya Kitab-Kitab Hadis menggunakan kata Dajjal,karena nama Dajjal atau Anti Christ dan ramalan-ramalan yang berhubungan dengan ini,disebutkan dalam Kitab Suci yang sudah-sudah. Oleh karena itu,perlu sekali dijelaskan bagaimana terpenuhinya ramalan-ramalan itu. Selain itu, kata Dajjal hanya menunjukkan satu aspek persoalan,yakni,kebohongan dan penipuan yang dilakukan oleh bangsa itu,baik mengenai urusan agama,maupun mengenai urusan duniawi. Akan tetapi terlepas dari sifat-sifatnya yang buruk,ada pula segi kebaikanya. 8 Dipandang dari segi duniawi, kesejahteraan materiil mereka harus dipandang sebagai segi kebaikan mereka. Itulah sebabnya mengapa dalam Hadis digambarkan,bahwa mata Dajjal yang hanya satu,yaitu mata duniawi,gemerlap bagaikan bintang. Qur’an juga menerangkan keahlian mereka dalam membuat barang-barang. Jadi julukan Dajjal hanyalah sebagian dari gambaran bangsa itu. Dalam Qur’an Suci,bangsa-bangsa Kristen disebut “para penghuni Gua dan Inskripsi” (18:9). Pandangan ini menggambarkan dua asprk sejarah agama Kristen. “Para penghuni Gua” merupakan gambaran yang tepat bagi kaum Kristen dalam permulaan sejarah mereka,karena pada waktu itu ciri khas mereka yang paling menonjol adalah hidup dalam biara. Mereka meninggalkan samasekali urusan duniawi untuk mengabdikan sepenuhnya dalam urusan agama. Dengan perkataan lain, mereka membuang dunia guna kepentingan agama. Akan tetapi pada zaman akhir,mereka digambarkan sebagai “Bangsa Inskripsi (ar-raqimi)”. Kata raqmun artinya barang yang ditulis. Kata ini khusus digunakan bagi harga yang tertulis pada barang-barang dagangan,seperti pakaian dan sebagainya. Gambaran ini mengandung arti penyerapan mereka yang amat dalam dalam urusan duniawi,fakta ini diuraikan dalam Qur’an Suci sbb:”Orang-orang yang usahanya menderita rugi dalam kehidupan dunia ini” (18:104). Jadi,bangsa Kristen yang pada permulaan sejarah mereka membuang dunia untuk kepentingan agama,tetapi pada zaman akhir,mereka membuang agama untuk kepentingan dunia,oleh sebab itu mereka dikatakan dalam Qur’an Suci sebagai “salah satu pertanda Kami yang mengagumkan”. Sabda Qur’an Suci tersenut diatas adalah gambaran yang tepat tentang kecondongan mereka kepada kebendaan. Oleh karena dalam urusan duniawi,mereka lebih maju dari bangsa-bangsa lain,maka bangsa lain itu mengikuti mereka secara membabibuta,karena terpikat oleh keuntungan-keuntungan duniawi yang dijamin oleh mereka. Jadi,bangsa-bangsa Kristen menyesatkan bangsa-bangsa lain di dunia,bukan saja dengan pengertian yang salah tentang Putra Allah dan Penebusan dosa,melainkan pula dengan cita-cita mengejar-ngejar kebendaan secara membabibuta dengan mengabaikan samasekali nilai-nilai hidup yang lebih tinggi. Oleh karena itu,dalam Hadis,mereka diberi nama Dajjal atau penipu ulung.


DAJJAL DAN YA’JUJ WA MA’JUJ MENURUT QUR’AN SUCI. Kata Dajjal tak tertera dalam Qur’an Suci; tetapi dalam Hadis Sahih diterangkan, bahwa sepuluh ayat pertama dan sepuluh ayat terakhir dari surat Al-Kahfi melindungi orang dari fitnahnya Dajjal, jadi menurut Hadis ini, Qur’an Suci member isyarat siapakah Dajjal itu? Mengenai hal ini diterangkan dalam Kitab Hadis yang amat Sahih sebagai berikut: MAN HAFIDHO ASYRO AAYAATIN MIN AWWALIL KAHFI USIMA MINAD DAJJALI, artinya: “Barangsiapa hapal sepuluh ayat pertama Surat Al-Kahfi, ia akan selamat dari (fitnahnya) Dajjal”. MAN QOROAL ASYROL WA AKHIRO MIN SUUROTIL KAHFI USIMA MIN FITNATID DAJJAALI, artinya:”Barangsiapa membaca sepuluh ayat terakhir dari surat Al-Kahfi, ia akan selamat dari (fitnahnya) Dajjal”. Boleh jadi, dalam menyebut sepuluh ayat pertama dan sepuluh ayat terakhir, itu yang dituju ialah seluruh surat Al-Kahfi yang melukiskan ancaman Kristen yang beraspek dua, yang satu bersifat Keagamaan dan yang lain bersifat Keduniawian. Bacalah sepuluh ayat pertama dan sepuluh ayat terakhir Surat Al-Kahfi, anda akan melihat se-terang2nya bahwa yang dibicarakan dalam dua tempat itu adalah umat Kristen. Mula-mula diuraikan aspek keagamaan, yang pada waktu itu Nabi Suci s.a.w. dikatakan sebagai orang yang member peringatan umum kepada sekalian manusia (ayat 2), lalu dikatakan sebegai orang yang member peringatan khusus kepada umat Kristen (ayat 4), yaitu umat yang berkata bahwa ALLAH memungut Anak laki-laki. Demikian bunyinya: “Segala puji kepunyaan ALLAH Yang menurunkan Kitab kepada hamba-Nya…,…agar ia member peringatan tentang siksaan yang dahsyat dari Dia…dan ia memperingatkan orang-orang yang berkata bahwa ALLAH memungut Anak laki-laki” (18:1-4). Terang sekali bahwa yang dituju oleh ayat tersebut ialah umat Kristen, yang pokok ajaran agamanya adalah Tuhan mempunyai Anak laki-laki. Dalam sepuluh ayat terakhir Surat Al-Kahfi diuraikan seterang-terangnya,bahwa umat Kristen mencapai hasil gemilang dilapangan duniawi. Demikianlah bunyinya:”Apakah orang-orang kafir mengira bahwa mereka dapat mengambil hamba-Ku sebagai pelindung selain Aku?...Katakan apakah Kami beritahukan kepada kamu orang-orang yang paling rugi perbuatannya? (yaitu) orang yang tersesat jalannya dalam kehidupan dunia, dan mereka mengira bahwa mereka adalah orang yang mempunyai keahlian dalam membuat barang-barang” (18:102-104). Ini adalah lukisan bangsa-bangsa barat yang diramalkan dengan kata-kata yang terang. Membuat barang adalah keahlian dan kebanggana umat Kristen, dan cirri khas inilah yang dituju oleh ayat tersebut. Mereka berlomba-lomba membuat barang-barang,dan mereka begitu sibuk dalam urusan ini,sehingga penglihatan mereka akan nilai-nilai kehidupan yang tinggi,menjadi kabur samasekali. Membuat barang-barang,sekalilagi membuat barang-barang,adalah satu-satunya tujuan hidup mereka didunia. Jadi,sepuluh ayat pertama dan sepuluh ayat terakhir Surat Al-Kahfi menerangkan dengan jelas bahayanya ajaran Kristen tentang Putra ALLAH,dan tentang kegiatan bangsa-bangsa Kristen dilapangan kebendaan, dan inilah yang dimaksud dengan fitnahnya Dajjal. Ya’juj wa Ma’juj diuraikan dua kali dalam Qur’an Suci. Yang pertama diuraikan dalam Surat Al-Kahfi,sehubungan dengan uraian tentang gambaran Dajjal. Menjelang berakhirnya Surat Al-Kahfi,diuraikan tentang perjalanan Raja Dhul-Qarnain*) ke berbagai jurusan untuk memperkuat tapal kerajaannya. Ternyata bahwa menurut sejarah,raja ini ialah raja Persi yang bernama Darius I. Diterangkan dalam Surat tersebut,bahwa perjalanan beliau yang pertama,berakhir dilaut hitam. “Sampai tatkala ia mencapai ujung yang paling barat,ia mrnjumpai matahari terbenam dalam sumber yang berlumpur hitam” (18:86). Ternyata bahwa yang dimaksud sumber yang berlumpur hitam ialah Laut Hitam. Selanjutnya diuraikan dalam Surat tersebut,kisah perjalanan beliau ke timur, “Sampai tatkala ia mencapai tempat terbitnya matahari,ia menjumpai matahari terbit diatas kaum yang tak Kami beri perlindungan dari (matahari) itu”(18:90). Selanjutnya diuraikan perjalanan beliau ke utara, “Sampai tatkala ia mencapai (suatu tempat) diantara dua bukit”(18:93). Yang dimaksud dua bukit ialah Pegunungan Armenia dan Azarbaijan. Dalam perjalanan ke Utara ini, raja Dhul-Qarnain berjumpa dengan suatu kaumyang berlainan bahasanya,artinya mereka tak mengerti bahasa Persi. Kaum ini mengajukan pertanyaan kepada raja Dhul-Qarnain sebagaiberikut:”Wahai Dhul-Qarnain!Sesungguhnya Ya’juj wa Ma’juj itu membuat kerusakan di bumi.Bolehkah kami membayar upeti kepada engkau,dengan syarat sukalah engkau membangun sebuah tembok,**) dan sehubungan dengan itu,Qur’an Suci menyebut-nyebut besi dan tembaga sebagai bahan untuk membangun pintu gerbang:”Berilah aku tumpukan besi,sampai tatkala (besi) itu memenuhi ruangan diantara dua bukit,ia berkata:”Bawalah kemari cairan tembaga yang akan kutuangkan diatasnya” (18:96). Dalam ayat 97 diterangkan,bahwa tatkala tembok itu selesai, mereka (Yajuj wa Ma’juj) tak dapat menaiki itu,dan tak dapat pula melobangi itu”. Dalam ayat 98,raja Dhul-Qarnain menerangkan,bahwa bagaimanapun kuatnya,tembok ini hanya akan berfaedah sampai jangka waktu tertentu,dan akhirnya tembok ini akan runtuh.Lalu kita akan dihadapkan pada peristiwa yang lain. “Dan pada hari itu,Kami akan membiarkan sebagian mereka (Ya’juj wa Ma’juj) bertempur melawan sebagaian yang lain” (18:99). Catatan: *) Kata Dhul-Qarnain makna aslinya mempunyai dua tanduk,tetapi dpat berarti pula,orang yang memerintah dua generasi,atau,orang yang memerintah dua kerajaan .Makna terakhir ini diberikan oleh mufasir besar Ibnu Jarir. Dalam Kitab Perjanjian Lama,Kitab Nabi Daniel,terdapat uraian tentang impian Nabi Daniel,dimana ia melihat seekor domba bertanduk dua.Impian itu ditafsirkan dalam Alkitab dengan kata-kata sbb:”Adapun domba jantan,yang telah kau lihat dengan tanduk dua pucuk,yaitu raja media dan persi,(Daniel 8:20).Diantara raja Media dan Persi,yang paling cocok dengan gambaran Qur’an Suci,ialah raja Darius I (521-485 sebelum Kristus).Jewish Encyclopaedia menerangkan sbb:”Darius adalah negarawan yang ulung.Peperangan yang beliau lakukan hanyalah dimaksud untuk membulatkan tapal batas kerajaannya,yaitu di Armenia,Kaukasus,India,sepanjang gurun Turania dan dataran tinggi Asia Tengah”.Pendapat ini dikuatkan oleh Encyclopaedia Britanica sbb:”Tulisan yang diukir dalam batu menerangkan bahwa raja Darius adalah pemeluk agama Zaratustra yang setia.Tetapi beliau juga seorang negarawan yang besar.Pertempuran yang beliau lakukan,hanyalah untuk memperoleh tapal batas alam yang kuat bagi kerajaannya,demikian pula untuk menaklukan suku bangsa biadab didaerah perbatasan.Jadi,raja Darius menaklukan bangsa-bangsa biadab dipegunungan Pontic dan Armenia,dan meluaskan kerajaan Persia sampai Kaukasus”. **) Rintangan atau tembok yang diuraikan disini ialah tembok yang termashur di Derbent atau Darband yang terletak dipantai laut kaspi.Dalam Kitab Marasidil-Ittila (Kitab Ilmu bumi yang termashur),terdapat uraian tentang hal itu.Demikian pula dalam kitabnya Ibnu al-Faqih.Encyclopaedia Biblica menjelaskan tembok itu sbb:”Derbent atau Darband adalah sebuah kota kerajaan Persi di Kaukasus,termasuk dalam profinsi Daghistan,dipantai barat laut Kaspi…diujung sebelah selatan,terletak Tembok Kaukasus yang menjulang ke laut,yang panjangnya 50 Mil,yang disebut Tembok Alexander…Tembok ini seluruhnya mempunyai ketinggian 29 kaki,dan tebal lebihkurang 10 kaki;dan dengan pintu gerbangnya yang dibuat dari besi,dan berpuluh-puluh menara pengintai,merupakan pertahanan tapal batas kerajaan Persi yang kuat. DAJJAL ADALAH IDENTIK (SAMA) DENGAN YA’JUJ WA MA’JUJ Segera setelah Qur”an Suci menerangkan pertempuran satu sama lain antara Ya’juj wa Ma’juj,ayat 102 menerangkan persoalan Dajjal, “Apakah orang-orang kafir mengira bahwa mereka dapat mengambil hamba-hamba-KU sebagai pelindung diluar Aku?” (8:12). Ini menunjukkan bahwa Qur’an Suci mempersamakan Dajjal dengan Ya’juj wa Ma’juj. Mereka diberi nama yang berlainan karena mempunyai dua fungsi yang berlainan. Adapun mengenai identitas Ya’juj wa Ma’juj, para mufassir tak sama pendapatnya. Ibnu Katsir berkata,bahwa Ya’juj wa Ma’juj adalah keturunan Adam, dan pendapat ini dikuatkan oleh Hadis Bukhari dan Muslim. Menurut Kitab Ruhul-Ma’ani, Ya’juj wa Ma’juj adalah dua kabilah keturunan Yafits bin Nuh, yang bangsa Turki adalah sebagian dari mereka; mereka disebut Turki,karena mereka turiku (ditinggalkan) disebelah sananya Tembok. Selain itu,menurut uraian Qur’an,terang sekali bahwa mereka adalah sebangsa manusia, yang untuk menghalang-halangi serbuan mereka,terpaksa dibangun sebuah tembok. Adapun yang kedua, Ya’juj wa Ma’juj diuraikan dalam Qur’an Suci sbb: “Sampai tatkala Ya’juj wa Ma’juj dilepas,mereka akan mengalir dari tiap-tiap tempat tinggi” (20:96). Ternyata bahwa yang dimaksud dengan kalimat “mengalir dari tiap-tiap tempat yang tinggi” ialah bahwa mereka akan menguasai seluruh dunia. Menilik cara Qur’an menerangkan Ya’juj wa Ma’juj dalam dua tempat tersebut,terang sekali bahwa akan tiba saatnya Ya’juj wa Ma’juj mengalahkan sekalian bangsa di dunia. Dan terang pula bahwa pada waktu Qur’an Suci diturunkan,Ya’juj wa Ma’juj sudah ada,tetapi gerak-gerik mereka masih tetap terkekang sampai saat tertentu,yang sesudah itu,mereka akan terlepas untuk menguasai seluruh dunia.



Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Dajjal disebutkan berulang-ulang dalam Hadis, sedangkan Ya’juj wa ma’juj bukan saja disebutkan dalam Hadis, melainkan pula dalam Qur’an Suci , dan munculnya kedua ini dihubungkan dengan turunnya Al-Masih. Kata Dajjal berasal dari kata dajala, artinya menutupi (sesuatu). Kamus Lisanul-Arab mengemukakan beberapa pendapat mengapa disebut Dajjal. Menurut suatu pendapat, ia disebut Dajjal karena ia adalah pembohong yang menutupi kebenaran dengan kepalsuan; pendapat lain lagi, karena ia menutupi bumi dengan bilangannya yang besar; pendapat yang ketiga karena menutupi manusia dengan kekafiran; keempat, karena ia tersebar dan menutupi seluruh muka bumi. Pendapat lain lagi ialah, bahwa Dajjal itu bangsa yang menyebarkan barang dagangannya keseluruh dunia, artinya menutupi dunia denganbarang dagangannya. Akhirnya ada pendapat bahwa ia dijuluki Dajjal karena mengatakan hal-hal yang bertentangan dengan hatinya, artinya ia menutupi maksud yang sebenarnya dengan kata-kata palsu. Kata Ya’juj dan Ma’juj berasal dari kata ajja atau ajij dalam wazan Yaf’ul; kata ajij artinya nyala api. Tetapi kata ajja berarti pula asra’a, maknanya berjalan cepat. Itulah makna yang tertera dalam kamus Lisanul-Arab. Imam Raghib berkata, bahwa Ya’juj wa Ma’juj, dapat diibaratkan api menyala dan air bergelombang, karena hebatnya gerakan.



BISMILLAHIRRAHMANIRRAHIM, BUKU-BUKU KEISLAMAN Darul Kutubil Islamiyah Gerakan Ahmadiyah (Lahore) Indonesia Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaati Islam Lahore Jln. Kesehatan IX/12 Jakarta Pusat, Telepon (021) 384 4111; Hp.085668900369. http://darkuti.blogspot.com/.



N A M A A H M A D I Y A H. Assalamu\'alaikum w.w. \\\"Berhubung dengan rencana akan adanya penghitungan cacah jiwa yang resmi dari Pemerintah,maka persiapan sudah dibuat,yakni setiap golongan yang inti pegangan pelajarannya berbeda dengan golongan lainnya,akan dimasukkan dalam kolom register yang khusus, dan apa juga nama golongan itu, mesti akan masuk dalam dokumen resmi, sebab itu nama yang tepat untuk Gerakan ini yang kami setujui adalah Muslimin golongan Ahmadiyah. Nama ini diberikan kepada golongan ini karena Nabi Suci kita mempunyai dua nama, yang satu Muhammad, yang satu lagi Ahmad. Nama Muhammad itu menunjukkan sifat jalalnya,yaitu keagungan dan kemuliaannya,yang berisi ramalan/prophecy. Nabi Suci akan menggunakan pedang,barangsiapa yang mempergunakan pedang untuk membinasakan Islam dan membunuh beratus-ratus muslimin. Sedang nama Ahmad menunjukkan jamalnya atau keindahannya yang berarti,bahwa Nabi Suci akan menyiarkan damai dan keselarasan didunia. Begitulah maka Allah Yang Maha Kuasa membagi kedua nama ini dalam zaman kehidupan beliau,yakni terbabarnya nama Ahmad yakni yang dikatakan muslimin akan harus memajukan perkara Islam sementara menderita berbagai macam tindakan dan penganiayaan; sedang kehidupannya di Madinah terbabarlah arti Muhammad, tatkala menundukkan para penentang dan tuntutan keadilan dianggap perlu oleh Kebijaksanaan Ilahi. Tetapi diramalkan juga bahwa pada akhir zaman arti nama Ahmad akan terbabar lagi. Jadi oleh karena inilah maka tepatlah golongan ini dinamakan Ahmadiyah\\\" (Selebaran 4 Nopember 1900). Wassalam w.w.



Mengalahkan Dajjal dengan Dalil

Assalamu'alaikum wrwbr,



Tentang Dajjal

Assalamu'alaikum wrwbr,



Umroh / Haji,

Assalamu'alaikum wrwbr Bapak/Ibu kaum Muslimin semua,
Mohon maaf ini saya ingin melampirkan penjelasan tentang Haji/Umroh yang barangkali Bapak/Ibu mempunyai niat melaksanakan ibadah dimaksud dengan beberapa kelebihan yang InsyaALLAH bisa gratis apabila Bapak/Ibu mengajak saudara2 dan rekan2 lainnya untuk Umroh bareng, seperti yang diuraikan dibawah ini trimakasih,wawan.

Selamat Datang di Perwakilan Travel Umroh dan Haji Plus No.1 di Indonesia
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Thursday, 07 May 2009 16:54
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Berikut ini tulisan Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad,klik link berikut ini:

Bandingkan dengan tulisan Maulana Muhammad Ali  dalam The Split dibawah:

the Split

Anecdotes from the life of the Promised Messiah

Friday Khutba by Maulana Muhammad Ali, 4 February 1944, Lahore Vain desires are the opposite of practical action Mirza Mahmud Ahmad’s dream does not provide any basis for his claim Every member of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Jama‘at can be called Muslih Mau‘ud! Mirza Mahmud Ahmad should show some practical achievement before making his claim “It will not be in accordance with your vain desires nor the vain desires of the People of the Book. Whoever does evil, will be requited for it and will not find for himself besides Allah a friend or a helper. And whoever does good deeds, whether male or female, and is a believer, these will enter the Garden, and they will not be dealt with a whit unjustly.” The Holy Quran, 4:123–124 Law of God the Most High In these two verses Allah the Most High has set out a general law of His, which applies to Muslims and unbelievers equally. “It will not be in accordance with your vain desires (amániy)”, there cannot be any outcome based on your mere desires; “nor the vain desires of the People of the Book” who deny this Quran, nothing will be earned according to their desires. The Divine law is that “whoever does evil” will meet its bad consequence and “whoever does good deeds, whether male or female” will receive the reward. This really is a deep point that was fully understood by the Muslims of the early times. What are desires? What are amániy or desires? These are the desires that keep on arising in a person’s heart. This is why false claims are also known as amániy, as the Holy Quran says in another place [in 2:111, regarding the respective claims of the Jews and the Christians to exclusive salvation]: “And they say: None shall enter the Garden except he who is a Jew or the Christians. These are their vain desires (amániy)” or false claims. This is why it then says: “Bring your proof if you are right”. As opposed to amániy there is practical action or ‘amal. Early Muslims understood this The early Muslims understood this point. Shunning vain desires, they showed an unparalleled example of the power of action, the like of which cannot be found anywhere else even though you search for it. Such was their power of action that whichever way they turned they were victorious and triumphant. If they went to the field of battle, then powerful, highly organised empires crumbled before them. If they turned to the field of knowledge, they expanded learning so widely that they spread it in the entire world, the light of their knowledge even illuminating Europe. In the field of righteousness and devotion to God, their falling in prayer before the Almighty and shedding tears at the Divine threshold will probably remain unequalled in human history forever. The like of it cannot be found among monks, ascetics or recluses. Vain desires and practical action are the complete opposites of each other. Those who become involved in practical works do not indulge in vain desires, and those who go after vain desires lose their strength for action. Lack of action by Muslims and the Imam of the present age The condition of the Muslims today is that they utterly lack the faculty of strength of action. Vain desires and wishful thinking are running rampant. All these conferences that are held and the resolutions that are passed are nothing but amániy. In this age the Imam who was sent by Allah the Most High for the guidance of the Muslims came for the very purpose of creating the power of action. He created enormous power of action among his followers. His personal power of action was tremendous too. The whole world opposed him but he moved not from his position one inch; facing the most bitter opposition he did his work and left behind a strong community. Qadiani Jama‘at in the grip of vain desires It must be said with regret that today his followers in Qadian have bid farewell to action and fallen prey to the disease of vain desires. These days an out of season eid has come to Qadian. Telegrams of congratulation are being showered, schools and offices are closed for celebration, and public meetings are being held, all for a festival. And what is that festival? It too is a desire, which appeared as a dream. But what is being celebrated with joy is not in that dream. The celebration is that the Mian sahib (Mirza Mahmud Ahmad) has become the Muslih Mau‘ud (Promised Reformer). He was already the Muslih Mau‘ud in the eyes of his followers even before, but now he has said that God has informed him that he is the Muslih Mau‘ud. The dream I have said that this is a desire, so let me first make this point clear. The dream is very long. In these times dreams have become lengthy, just as the means of writing and propaganda have become extensive. This dream of the Mian sahib consists of three to four thousand words. The basis of the dream is that the Mian sahib saw some people riding upon idols of stone that were floating in a lake. The Mian sahib too got on one of these floating idols in this lake and started to preach to the idol-worshippers. Who is greater of the two? The Mian sahib says that during this speech when he was preaching the messengership of the Holy Prophet Muhammad to the people: “it seemed as if Allah had granted the Holy Prophet himself the privilege (taufiq) to speak from my tongue [original urdu: Rasulullah ko meri zobaan se bolne ki taufiq di hai], and he said: I am Muhammad, the servant and messenger of Allah.” So the Holy Prophet Muhammad was granted taufiq to speak from the tongue of Mirza Mahmud Ahmad. Which of the two of them is the greater then? The Promised Messiah speaks After this the Promised Messiah came, and he too spoke from the mouth of the Mian sahib saying: I am the Promised Messiah. Basis of claim of Mirza Mahmud Ahmad After this, the third turn is that of the Mian sahib himself, perhaps because it is futile to believe in the Holy Prophet Muhammad and the Promised Messiah unless you also believe in the Mian sahib. The Mian sahib said [in the dream]: Ana al-Masih al-Mau‘ud, mathili-hi wa khalifa, meaning: “I too am the Promised Messiah, that is to say, his like and his khalifa”. This is the meaning he has himself given, that these words denote that he is the like of the Promised Messiah and his khalifa. It is on this basis that he has laid the foundation that God has told him that he is the Muslih Mau‘ud. This is only his desire In fact, this is only his desire. The word Mau‘ud (promised) is not found here, nor are the words Muslih Mau‘ud (Promised Reformer) or Pisr Mau‘ud (promised son) found here. As to khalifa, there can be hundreds of these. The Holy Prophet Muhammad had many khalifas. As to the ‘like of’, there can also be hundreds. Hazrat Mirza sahib has himself written that there can be thousands of ‘likes’ of the Messiah. But the promised one is only one. How can it be concluded from the above words that the Mian sahib is the promised one? It is asserted that in this dream he has been declared as Muslih Mau‘ud. But there is no mention of Muslih Mau‘ud in the dream. This is merely a desire in his heart. Why did it arise and how did it arise? The dream was only seen recently on the night between January 5th and 6th, 1944. There are earlier events which are its cause. Three phases of this issue There have been three phases that have passed over the Mian sahib. As soon as he ascended to the seat of headship [in 1914], an article by Pir Manzur Muhammad appeared in Mian sahib’s magazine Tashhiz-ul-Azhan to prove that he was the Muslih Mau‘ud. At that time when people asked him about it, the Mian sahib replied, and kept on saying for a long time, that he could not say whether he was Muslih Mau‘ud or not. This was one phase. The second phase Then came the second phase when he started saying that he was the Muslih Mau‘ud but that he was not making the claim. He said that he fulfilled the prophecy of being Muslih Mau‘ud even without directly claiming to be so. The third phase Now the third stage has arrived. He now says that God has informed him that he is the Muslih Mau‘ud. At this announcement Qadian has burst into celebration and telegrams of congratulations have started arriving from other places despite the fact that the entire Jama‘at already believed him to be Muslih Mau‘ud and he too had been saying that he was the Muslih Mau‘ud. What is new, then? He has made a claim which was not necessary to make. What is the cause of rejoicing? A man sees a dream and he makes himself the Muslih Mau‘ud. But the Qadiani Jama‘at already believed him to hold this position. What are they rejoicing about? It does not make me laugh, it makes me cry. Is there any previous instance that when God appointed someone to a position, celebrations of this kind were held? Hazrat Mirza sahib was made Promised Messiah in our time. Did his followers hold festivities that day? Even if someone became Muslih Mau‘ud, is this an occasion for celebration and messages of congratulations? An element of trial I believe that this prophecy has an element of a trial in it. Muslih Mau‘ud means one who brings about reform. A reformer is required at a time when there is some mischief or evil to be rectified. Calling Muslims as kafir is a major evil I believe that after the death of Hazrat Mirza sahib a major mischief arose, namely, that from Qadian the call was raised declaring Muslims as kafir and the kalima as being abrogated. If the Muslih Mau‘ud is to come to repel this mischief, then this can only light up our eyes and make our hearts happy. If, however, the Muslih Mau‘ud is to come to counter some other mischief then that mischief must have existed since before the Promised Messiah’s time, and the Qadianis will have to admit that the Promised Messiah failed to correct that msichief! The mischief of calling Muslims as kafir is indeed a very major evil created by Mirza Mahmud Ahmad. Every member of Lahore Jama‘at is a Muslih Mau‘ud If this evil requires to be corrected then I consider that each and every member of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Jama‘at is a Muslih Mau‘ud, and would be right in making that claim. God the Most High has Himself testified to this in the revelation of the Promised Messiah: “Our purified members are in Lahore”. However, those who have created the evil of calling Muslims as kafir cannot claim to be Muslih Mau‘ud. When we call them to debate on their beliefs of declaring Muslims as kafir or abrogating the kalima, they reply that we are trying to humiliate them in front of the Muslims. But why have they adopted a belief which they are too embarrassed to mention in public? As to when the Muslih Mau‘ud will come, Allah knows best, but if a promised mischief-maker had to come then certainly the Mian sahib can make this claim. Two arguments out of four are wrong Apart from this dream, if you look at his proofs they are even more bewildering. It is a long story and I cannot discuss the prophecy of the Promised Messiah in detail within a Friday khutba, but this prophecy contains the sign that he will “turn three into four”. The Mian sahib has laid much stress on this sign and given some proofs of it, but he has himself declared one of the proofs to be wrong. Look at another proof. He says that the prophecy was made in 1886, and after the passage of the three years 1886, 1887 and 1888, he was born in 1889. So he says he turned three into four. I need not say how ridiculous is this proof. But the strange thing is that in their own original article in Tashhiz-ul-Azhan they wrote that Hazrat Mirza sahib made this prophecy two years before 1886, that is in 1884. So five years passed and the Mian sahib was born in the sixth year. Hazrat Mirza sahib has himself also written that this prophecy really belongs to 1884. So this argument is also wrong. Will the Mian sahib admit that two out of his four proofs are clearly in error? If the Mian sahib asked for my advice, I would tell him to put forward the argument that there are already three claimants to the title of Muslih Mau‘ud and he is the one who makes these three into four. Mockery of religion I assure you that this is a mockery being made of religion. There are many signs of the Muslih Mau‘ud: many nations will find guidance through him, a large number of people will embrace Islam, and Hazrat Mirza sahib writes in Al-Wasiyya that God will distinguish him with His revelation and nearness. If nations are to find guidance in the way in which the Mian sahib saw in his dream that idol-worshippers became Muslims, then this is simply a vain desire. Show something practical If you are going to do something then show it by doing it. If you say that whatever will be achieved after the time of the Mian sahib will also be ascribed to him, then I say that whatever will be achieved in the future it will be regarded as the doing of the Promised Messiah, not of Mahmud or Nur-ud-Din, or of Muhammad Ali. People will laugh Besides this, the Mian sahib also says in this dream: “I am the one for whom virgins have been waiting for 19 centuries on the shore of this sea”. Then he says: “Virgins came running and greeted me, and ran their hands over my garments”. To put forward such things is to make people laugh. I regret that this will make people laugh at the Promised Messiah. Refuting an absurd claim I have told you all this because there are many people who are easily impressed by hearing the word ‘claim’. I have seen quite well-educated people who say that if such and such a man has made a claim, we must not oppose him in the slightest. But it is an act of courage to contradict those who make absurd claims. If the Muslih Mau‘ud was to be the kind of person that he has claimed to be, then religion would be a game. Status of the Promised Messiah How far above these people was the rank of the Promised Messiah! In his time the Muslims were thoroughly despondent. Their political power had become decrepit and their civilisation was facing its worst decline. Even their greatest leaders could not imagine that the Western rulers could become Muslims. It was only the Mirza to whom the idea occurred that these nations shall accept Islam. His claim and basis of work As soon as he claimed to be the Promised Messiah he laid the foundations of the propagation of Islam in the West. He wrote that the Western countries which had, since antiquity, been engrossed in the darkness of unbelief and error shall be illuminated with the sun of truth, and will receive their share of Islam. Then he also wrote in Izala Auham that translations and commentaries of the Holy Quran and other Islamic literature should be taken to these nations. Don’t rely on dreams Those who make claims should show practical work. Dreams can be true, sometimes desires take the form of dreams, and sometimes dreams are also from the devil. Do not take dreams as your basis but rest your foundations on the Holy Quran. Religion and the power of action Religion comes to create in humans a strong power of action. If you cannot display an example of this power of action then it is futile to make claims. Remember it well, that a true religion creates within you the power to act; remember that each one of you has that power. Put that power to work and see how a great transformation takes place in the world. This was Maulana Muhammad Ali’s first Khutba refuting the claim of Mirza Mahmud Ahmad to be the Muslih Mau‘ud (Promised Reformer) which had been advanced a few days before in January 1944. The Khutba was published in Paigham Sulh on 9 February 1944. This English translation, done by Zahid Aziz in December 2001, does not consist of the entire Khutba, as a few paragraphs (especially at the end) have been omitted for brevity. Khutbas in this series: 4 Feb. 1944 18 Feb. 1944 3 March 1944 Top

Friday Khutba by Maulana Muhammad Ali, 4 February 1944, Lahore

Vain desires are the opposite of practical action

Mirza Mahmud Ahmad’s dream does not provide any basis for his claim

Every member of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Jama‘at can be called Muslih Mau‘ud!
Mirza Mahmud Ahmad should show some practical achievement before making his claim
“It will not be in accordance with your vain desires nor the vain desires of the People of the Book. Whoever does evil, will be requited for it and will not find for himself besides Allah a friend or a helper. And whoever does good deeds, whether male or female, and is a believer, these will enter the Garden, and they will not be dealt with a whit unjustly.” The Holy Quran, 4:123–124
Law of God the Most High
In these two verses Allah the Most High has set out a general law of His, which applies to Muslims and unbelievers equally. “It will not be in accordance with your vain desires (amániy)”, there cannot be any outcome based on your mere desires; “nor the vain desires of the People of the Book” who deny this Quran, nothing will be earned according to their desires. The Divine law is that “whoever does evil” will meet its bad consequence and “whoever does good deeds, whether male or female” will receive the reward. This really is a deep point that was fully understood by the Muslims of the early times.
What are desires?
What are amániy or desires? These are the desires that keep on arising in a person’s heart. This is why false claims are also known as amániy, as the Holy Quran says in another place [in 2:111, regarding the respective claims of the Jews and the Christians to exclusive salvation]: “And they say: None shall enter the Garden except he who is a Jew or the Christians. These are their vain desires (amániy)” or false claims. This is why it then says: “Bring your proof if you are right”. As opposed to amániy there is practical action or ‘amal.
Early Muslims understood this
The early Muslims understood this point. Shunning vain desires, they showed an unparalleled example of the power of action, the like of which cannot be found anywhere else even though you search for it. Such was their power of action that whichever way they turned they were victorious and triumphant. If they went to the field of battle, then powerful, highly organised empires crumbled before them. If they turned to the field of knowledge, they expanded learning so widely that they spread it in the entire world, the light of their knowledge even illuminating Europe. In the field of righteousness and devotion to God, their falling in prayer before the Almighty and shedding tears at the Divine threshold will probably remain unequalled in human history forever. The like of it cannot be found among monks, ascetics or recluses.
Vain desires and practical action are the complete opposites of each other. Those who become involved in practical works do not indulge in vain desires, and those who go after vain desires lose their strength for action.
Lack of action by Muslims and the Imam of the present age
The condition of the Muslims today is that they utterly lack the faculty of strength of action. Vain desires and wishful thinking are running rampant. All these conferences that are held and the resolutions that are passed are nothing but amániy. In this age the Imam who was sent by Allah the Most High for the guidance of the Muslims came for the very purpose of creating the power of action. He created enormous power of action among his followers. His personal power of action was tremendous too. The whole world opposed him but he moved not from his position one inch; facing the most bitter opposition he did his work and left behind a strong community.
Qadiani Jama‘at in the grip of vain desires
It must be said with regret that today his followers in Qadian have bid farewell to action and fallen prey to the disease of vain desires. These days an out of season eid has come to Qadian. Telegrams of congratulation are being showered, schools and offices are closed for celebration, and public meetings are being held, all for a festival. And what is that festival? It too is a desire, which appeared as a dream. But what is being celebrated with joy is not in that dream. The celebration is that the Mian sahib (Mirza Mahmud Ahmad) has become the Muslih Mau‘ud (Promised Reformer). He was already the Muslih Mau‘ud in the eyes of his followers even before, but now he has said that God has informed him that he is the Muslih Mau‘ud.
The dream
I have said that this is a desire, so let me first make this point clear. The dream is very long. In these times dreams have become lengthy, just as the means of writing and propaganda have become extensive. This dream of the Mian sahib consists of three to four thousand words.
The basis of the dream is that the Mian sahib saw some people riding upon idols of stone that were floating in a lake. The Mian sahib too got on one of these floating idols in this lake and started to preach to the idol-worshippers.
Who is greater of the two?
The Mian sahib says that during this speech when he was preaching the messengership of the Holy Prophet Muhammad to the people:
“it seemed as if Allah had granted the Holy Prophet himself the privilege (taufiq) to speak from my tongue [original urdu: Rasulullah ko meri zobaan se bolne ki taufiq di hai], and he said: I am Muhammad, the servant and messenger of Allah.”
So the Holy Prophet Muhammad was granted taufiq to speak from the tongue of Mirza Mahmud Ahmad. Which of the two of them is the greater then?
The Promised Messiah speaks
After this the Promised Messiah came, and he too spoke from the mouth of the Mian sahib saying: I am the Promised Messiah.
Basis of claim of Mirza Mahmud Ahmad
After this, the third turn is that of the Mian sahib himself, perhaps because it is futile to believe in the Holy Prophet Muhammad and the Promised Messiah unless you also believe in the Mian sahib. The Mian sahib said [in the dream]: Ana al-Masih al-Mau‘ud, mathili-hi wa khalifa, meaning: “I too am the Promised Messiah, that is to say, his like and his khalifa”. This is the meaning he has himself given, that these words denote that he is the like of the Promised Messiah and his khalifa. It is on this basis that he has laid the foundation that God has told him that he is the Muslih Mau‘ud.
This is only his desire
In fact, this is only his desire. The word Mau‘ud (promised) is not found here, nor are the words Muslih Mau‘ud (Promised Reformer) or Pisr Mau‘ud (promised son) found here. As to khalifa, there can be hundreds of these. The Holy Prophet Muhammad had many khalifas. As to the ‘like of’, there can also be hundreds. Hazrat Mirza sahib has himself written that there can be thousands of ‘likes’ of the Messiah. But the promised one is only one. How can it be concluded from the above words that the Mian sahib is the promised one? It is asserted that in this dream he has been declared as Muslih Mau‘ud. But there is no mention of Muslih Mau‘ud in the dream. This is merely a desire in his heart. Why did it arise and how did it arise? The dream was only seen recently on the night between January 5th and 6th, 1944. There are earlier events which are its cause.
Three phases of this issue
There have been three phases that have passed over the Mian sahib. As soon as he ascended to the seat of headship [in 1914], an article by Pir Manzur Muhammad appeared in Mian sahib’s magazine Tashhiz-ul-Azhan to prove that he was the Muslih Mau‘ud. At that time when people asked him about it, the Mian sahib replied, and kept on saying for a long time, that he could not say whether he was Muslih Mau‘ud or not. This was one phase.
The second phase
Then came the second phase when he started saying that he was the Muslih Mau‘ud but that he was not making the claim. He said that he fulfilled the prophecy of being Muslih Mau‘ud even without directly claiming to be so.
The third phase
Now the third stage has arrived. He now says that God has informed him that he is the Muslih Mau‘ud. At this announcement Qadian has burst into celebration and telegrams of congratulations have started arriving from other places despite the fact that the entire Jama‘at already believed him to be Muslih Mau‘ud and he too had been saying that he was the Muslih Mau‘ud. What is new, then? He has made a claim which was not necessary to make.
What is the cause of rejoicing?
A man sees a dream and he makes himself the Muslih Mau‘ud. But the Qadiani Jama‘at already believed him to hold this position. What are they rejoicing about? It does not make me laugh, it makes me cry. Is there any previous instance that when God appointed someone to a position, celebrations of this kind were held? Hazrat Mirza sahib was made Promised Messiah in our time. Did his followers hold festivities that day? Even if someone became Muslih Mau‘ud, is this an occasion for celebration and messages of congratulations?
An element of trial
I believe that this prophecy has an element of a trial in it. Muslih Mau‘ud means one who brings about reform. A reformer is required at a time when there is some mischief or evil to be rectified.
Calling Muslims as kafir is a major evil
I believe that after the death of Hazrat Mirza sahib a major mischief arose, namely, that from Qadian the call was raised declaring Muslims as kafir and the kalima as being abrogated. If the Muslih Mau‘ud is to come to repel this mischief, then this can only light up our eyes and make our hearts happy. If, however, the Muslih Mau‘ud is to come to counter some other mischief then that mischief must have existed since before the Promised Messiah’s time, and the Qadianis will have to admit that the Promised Messiah failed to correct that msichief! The mischief of calling Muslims as kafir is indeed a very major evil created by Mirza Mahmud Ahmad.
Every member of Lahore Jama‘at is a Muslih Mau‘ud
If this evil requires to be corrected then I consider that each and every member of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Jama‘at is a Muslih Mau‘ud, and would be right in making that claim. God the Most High has Himself testified to this in the revelation of the Promised Messiah: “Our purified members are in Lahore”.
However, those who have created the evil of calling Muslims as kafir cannot claim to be Muslih Mau‘ud. When we call them to debate on their beliefs of declaring Muslims as kafir or abrogating the kalima, they reply that we are trying to humiliate them in front of the Muslims. But why have they adopted a belief which they are too embarrassed to mention in public? As to when the Muslih Mau‘ud will come, Allah knows best, but if a promised mischief-maker had to come then certainly the Mian sahib can make this claim.
Two arguments out of four are wrong
Apart from this dream, if you look at his proofs they are even more bewildering. It is a long story and I cannot discuss the prophecy of the Promised Messiah in detail within a Friday khutba, but this prophecy contains the sign that he will “turn three into four”. The Mian sahib has laid much stress on this sign and given some proofs of it, but he has himself declared one of the proofs to be wrong.
Look at another proof. He says that the prophecy was made in 1886, and after the passage of the three years 1886, 1887 and 1888, he was born in 1889. So he says he turned three into four. I need not say how ridiculous is this proof. But the strange thing is that in their own original article in Tashhiz-ul-Azhan they wrote that Hazrat Mirza sahib made this prophecy two years before 1886, that is in 1884. So five years passed and the Mian sahib was born in the sixth year. Hazrat Mirza sahib has himself also written that this prophecy really belongs to 1884. So this argument is also wrong. Will the Mian sahib admit that two out of his four proofs are clearly in error?
If the Mian sahib asked for my advice, I would tell him to put forward the argument that there are already three claimants to the title of Muslih Mau‘ud and he is the one who makes these three into four.
Mockery of religion
I assure you that this is a mockery being made of religion. There are many signs of the Muslih Mau‘ud: many nations will find guidance through him, a large number of people will embrace Islam, and Hazrat Mirza sahib writes in Al-Wasiyya that God will distinguish him with His revelation and nearness. If nations are to find guidance in the way in which the Mian sahib saw in his dream that idol-worshippers became Muslims, then this is simply a vain desire.
Show something practical
If you are going to do something then show it by doing it. If you say that whatever will be achieved after the time of the Mian sahib will also be ascribed to him, then I say that whatever will be achieved in the future it will be regarded as the doing of the Promised Messiah, not of Mahmud or Nur-ud-Din, or of Muhammad Ali.
People will laugh
Besides this, the Mian sahib also says in this dream: “I am the one for whom virgins have been waiting for 19 centuries on the shore of this sea”. Then he says: “Virgins came running and greeted me, and ran their hands over my garments”. To put forward such things is to make people laugh. I regret that this will make people laugh at the Promised Messiah.
Refuting an absurd claim
I have told you all this because there are many people who are easily impressed by hearing the word ‘claim’. I have seen quite well-educated people who say that if such and such a man has made a claim, we must not oppose him in the slightest. But it is an act of courage to contradict those who make absurd claims. If the Muslih Mau‘ud was to be the kind of person that he has claimed to be, then religion would be a game.
Status of the Promised Messiah
How far above these people was the rank of the Promised Messiah! In his time the Muslims were thoroughly despondent. Their political power had become decrepit and their civilisation was facing its worst decline. Even their greatest leaders could not imagine that the Western rulers could become Muslims. It was only the Mirza to whom the idea occurred that these nations shall accept Islam.
His claim and basis of work
As soon as he claimed to be the Promised Messiah he laid the foundations of the propagation of Islam in the West. He wrote that the Western countries which had, since antiquity, been engrossed in the darkness of unbelief and error shall be illuminated with the sun of truth, and will receive their share of Islam. Then he also wrote in Izala Auham that translations and commentaries of the Holy Quran and other Islamic literature should be taken to these nations.
Don’t rely on dreams
Those who make claims should show practical work. Dreams can be true, sometimes desires take the form of dreams, and sometimes dreams are also from the devil. Do not take dreams as your basis but rest your foundations on the Holy Quran.
Religion and the power of action
Religion comes to create in humans a strong power of action. If you cannot display an example of this power of action then it is futile to make claims. Remember it well, that a true religion creates within you the power to act; remember that each one of you has that power. Put that power to work and see how a great transformation takes place in the world.
  This was Maulana Muhammad Ali’s first Khutba refuting the claim of Mirza Mahmud Ahmad to be the Muslih Mau‘ud (Promised Reformer) which had been advanced a few days before in January 1944. The Khutba was published in Paigham Sulh on 9 February 1944.
This English translation, done by Zahid Aziz in December 2001, does not consist of the entire Khutba, as a few paragraphs (especially at the end) have been omitted for brevity.

Khutbas in this series:
4 Feb. 1944
18 Feb. 1944
3 March 1944

Reply to Qadiani allegation against Maulana Muhammad Ali

Reply to Qadiani allegation against Maulana Muhammad Ali

Revelation: Khuda mera bhi guna bakhshay (‘May God forgive my sin too’)

by Dr. Zahid Aziz

An allegation against Maulana Muhammad Ali put forward just over a year ago, in July 2003, on the Qadiani discussion forum on the former website www.ahmadiyya.com (which was subsequently closed by order of Qadiani khalifa 5, Mirza Masroor Ahmad), has just come to my attention. A Qadiani Jama‘at member, posting under the pseudonym ‘Rahgeer’, quoted a revelation of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and alleged that God was revealing “Divine hints” to the Promised Messiah that Maulana Muhammad Ali was not sincere and had underhand plans of his own, so much so that in this particular revelation God was asking that the Maulana should “repent and be the true follower of Promised Messiah and not to be greedy or seek worldly gains out of this Divine plant that Allah had himself sown”.
‘Rahgeer’ has quoted the revelation, dated 20 November 1898, from Tazkira, a book compiled by the Qadiani Jama‘at long after the Split in the Ahmadiyya Movement. As ‘Rahgeer’ tells us, there are two revelations at this point in Tazkira, each about a different person, as follows:
“Muhammad Ali Khan: fa-bi-ayyi ‘aziz-in ba‘da-hu ta‘lamun
Maulvi Muhammad Ali: Khuda mera bhi guna bakhshay
Again as ‘Rahgeer’ mentions, after these revelations there is a sentence quoted in Tazkira from a letter by the Promised Messiah to Nawab Muhammad Ali Khan of Malerkotla in which he mentions the first revelation above and writes: “this revelation was received about you … and God is addressing you saying: ‘After this tragedy, can there be a greater tragedy from which you will learn a lesson’ ”.
According to ‘Rahgeer’, these two revelations indicate God’s displeasure towards these two people, and the revelation about Maulana Muhammad Ali also asked him to repent and say: Khuda mera bhi guna bakhshay, meaning ‘May God forgive my sin too’.

Blunders and errors

‘Rahgeer’ has committed so many blunders that it is difficult to know where to begin. He writes that these revelations caught his eyes when he was reading Tazkira. What did not catch his eyes is the footnote there by the compiler of Tazkira in which it is written:
“These two revelations have these two names before them. Just as the first revelation is about Nawab Muhammad Ali sahib, the second revelation appears to be about Maulvi Muhammad Ali sahib, but Allah knows best.” (Bolding is mine)
So even the compiler of Tazkira is not sure that the second revelation is about Maulana Muhammad Ali. Moreover, unlike the first revelation which was published when the Promised Messiah’s letter to Nawab Muhammad Ali Khan appeared in print in Al-Hakam in September 1903, the second revelation was apparently never published until it appeared in Tazkira.
But let us suppose that the Promised Messiah did indeed receive Divine revelation that Maulana Muhammad Ali should say: May God forgive my sin too. In the Holy Quran, Allah tells the Holy Prophet Muhammad to do istighfar for himself and for his followers:
wastaghfir li-dhanbi-ka — “and ask forgiveness for thy sin” (40:55)
“and ask forgiveness for thy sin and for the believing men and the believing women” (47:19)
The Christian critics of Islam put forward these words as evidence that according to the Quran itself the Holy Prophet Muhammad was a sinner. Today the Qadianis are putting forward very similar words to accuse Maulana Muhammad Ali of being a sinner. The reply given to Christians by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was that to ask ghafar (forgiveness or protection) for sins does not mean necessarily that it is for any sins that were actually committed, but that holy persons always fear committing any act of disobedience to God, no matter how trivial or unintentional, and are constantly asking for Allah’s protection on account of this anxiety and apprehension.
Every Muslim, even including the Holy Prophet Muhammad, are required to do istighfar for their dhanb, that is, ask forgiveness for their ‘sin’. The question is: Did the Qadiani khalifas number 2, 3 and 4 ever do istighfar for their dhanb, and does Mirza Masroor Ahmad ever do istighfar for his dhanb? If not, then are they more sinless than the Holy Prophet Muhammad? And if they did do istighfar, then for which dhanb did they ask forgiveness?
According to the Quran, great prophets prayed for their own forgiveness. Moses prayed about himself and Aaron: “My Lord, forgive me and my brother” (7:151). The prayer of Abraham is repeated by Muslims near the end of the regular salat: “Our Lord, grant me forgiveness and my parents and the believers on the day when the reckoning comes to pass” (14:41).
At the recent Qadiani Jalsa in Germany there was a speech about Hazrat Maulana Nur-ud-Din, during which the venerable speaker recounted a well-known incident. The Hazrat Maulana was once asked what benefit did he gain by entering into the bai‘at of the Promised Messiah, and he replied: There was one sin that I could not free myself of, but after taking the bai‘at I managed to shake it off. Perhaps the revelation about Maulana Muhammad Ali refers to a similar effect, because this revelation is dated 1898, the year after he entered into the bai‘at of the Promised Messiah.

False allegation based on imaginary foundation

‘Rahgeer’ imagines that in the revelation about Nawab Muhammad Ali Khan God expressed His displeasure about him. From this imaginary basis, he then alleges that in the revelation about Maulana Muhammad Ali, because it uses the word bhi (meaning ‘also’ or ‘too’), God’s displeasure is being expressed about him as well. But this is simply baseless guesswork. In the letter of the Promised Messiah to the Nawab sahib, from which one sentence is quoted in Tazkira, he is actually expressing his condolences and sympathy on the death of the Nawab’s wife. This is the tragedy (hadasa) referred to in the revelation, writes the Promised Messiah. He ends his letter as follows:

“In this revelation God has given a reminder of this very point that at this time of shock you should take a step forward, be regular in prayer and become a true Muslim. If you do this, God will soon give you recompense for this loss and make you forget the grief, as He has power over all things. This was a revelation and a message. After this you must show a fresh example of turning to religion. … If you adopt taqwa God removes your sorrows.” (Al-Hakam, 30 September 1903, p. 5, column 3)
Nowhere in the letter does the Promised Messiah say to the Nawab that “God is displeased with you”.

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s views about Maulana Muhammad Ali

The most bizarre aspect of these Qadiani allegations is that while, according to them, God was warning the Promised Messiah with “hints” about the insincerity and sinfulness of Maulana Muhammad Ali, yet the Promised Messiah kept on publishing how righteous, good and sincere he found the Maulana to be. In 1899, the year after the above revelation, the Promised Messiah announced publicly:

“Among the most sincere friends in our community is Maulvi Muhammad Ali, M.A., …During this period in which he has been with me, I have been observing him, both openly and discreetly, to assess his moral character, observance of religion and goodness of behaviour. So, thanks be to God, that I have found him to be a most excellent man as regards religion and good behaviour in all ways. He is unassuming, modest, of a righteous nature, and pious. He is to be envied for many of his qualities. … It is obvious that such promising young men possessing these qualities, who are able and honourable, cannot be found by searching.” (Announcement dated 9 August 1899; bolding is mine).
“I am sure that my foresight will not go wrong in this, that this young man will make progress in the path of God, and I am sure that by the grace of God he will prove to be so firm in righteousness and love of religion that he will set an example worthy to be followed by his peers.” (Announcement dated 4 October 1899; bolding is mine).
In 1901 the Promised Messiah appointed Maulana Muhammad Ali as Editor of the Review of Religions, thus making him the spokesman of the Ahmadiyya Movement to the international world, and in 1906 he appointed the Maulana as Secretary of the Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya, the chief executive body of the Movement, two positions he was holding at the time of the Promised Messiah’s death. Yet according to the Qadiani ‘Rahgeer’, from the very beginning in 1898 God was all the time revealing “hints” to the Promised Messiah that Maulana Muhammad Ali was an internal danger to the Movement!
Full details of the views of the Promised Messiah about Maulana Muhammad Ali can be found on this webpage.
The baseless and false allegation against Maulana Muhammad Ali by ‘Rahgeer’ is an example of the kind of complete fabrications that the Qadianis have always been making against him.


The present Qadiani khalifa Mirza Masroor Ahmad, in his Friday khutba on 20 August 2004 in Germany, has instructed members of his Movement not to post responses to websites of their opponents, but instead to inform the Qadiani Jama‘at of any material that needs a response. Any response considered necessary will be published by the Qadiani Jama‘at on their website, www.alislam.org. In view of this instruction, we hope that Qadiani Jama‘at members reading this page will refer it to their Jama‘at for a response. In any response, the Qadiani Jama‘at should state whether they agree with the claim of ‘Rahgeer’ about the meaning of the two revelations that he put forward and they should also tell us whether Qadiani khalifas ever do istighfar for their dhanb (or plural dhunub) or if they are too sinless to be asking for the forgiveness of Allah.